Spring Central Coloured Belt Grading


Spring Central Coloured Belt Grading

Yesterday saw the first Central region coloured belt grading for 2017.  We had a number of students in the grading all nervous and aprehensive at the start, all good emotions as it shows you care and drives your performance.

Well done all of you, as Mr Archer chief examiner said, the standards were excellent; as I said last week, go and make yourself, the instructors and the club proud, and you all did this, fabulous.

Results and belts will be given at class this week as well as teaching all successful students their new patterns. 


March Fight Club Pictures


March Fight Club Pictures

Well done all that attended yesterdays Central Region Fight club, great energy, great spirit, great commitment.  The improvements that you are all making are excellent, there is a real shift in sparring technique and style. Here are a few pictures from the session, thank you Jamie Crump.


TKD Technical - Outer Forearm High Block


TKD Technical - Outer Forearm High Block

This video is the 4th in a series of lessons where GM Nardizzi shows you ways of learning and developing each Taekwon-Do technique. This video shows you how to perform a Outer Forearm High Block. Recommended for beginner students (10th or 9th kup), the video explains, in detail, how to practice every aspect of the block including twisting the forearms, positioning the block, sine wave motion and how to develop more power.


Hosin sul Workshop


Hosin sul Workshop

What a fantastic morning spent teaching such an enthusiastic group of people hand to hand combat and self-defence skills and knife defence skills.  Sorry we didn't get time to do ground defence skills but there's only so much you can fit into 2 hours!! next time though :)  Thank you as always to Mr Feely for assisting and having the envious job of crash test dummy! 


TKD Technical - Inner Forearm Middle Block


TKD Technical - Inner Forearm Middle Block

This video is the 3rd in a series of lessons where GM Nardizzi shows you ways of learning and developing each Taekwon-Do technique. This video shows you how to perform a Inner Forearm Middle Block. Recommended for beginner students (10th or 9th kup), the video explains, in detail, how to practice every aspect of the block including twisting the forearms, positioning the block, sine wave motion and how to develop more power.


Success at the Trident Champs!


Success at the Trident Champs!

Another weekend, another competition, this time we traveled to Manchester for the T-UK Trident Championships and again Warwick-TKD and Kineton-TKD triumphed.  The medal haul below is impressive but probably even more importantly we took some yellow tags up to compete for the first time; what a performance by every single one of them they competed out of their skins, if this is what they are performing like now our future is looking great for future competitions and grading performances.  The winners were:


TKD Technical - Front Snap Kick

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TKD Technical - Front Snap Kick

This video is the 2nd in a series of lessons where GM Nardizzi show you ways of learning and developing each Taekwon-Do technique. This video shows you how to perform a Front Snap Kick. Recommended for beginner students (10th or 9th kup).

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TKD Technical Info - Sitting Stance Middle Punch


TKD Technical Info - Sitting Stance Middle Punch

This video is the 1st in a series of lessons where GM Nardizzi shows you ways of learning and developing each Taekwon-Do Technique. This video shows you how to perform a Sitting Stance Middle Punch. Recommended for beginner students (10th or 9th kup).


ITF England Selection Success


ITF England Selection Success

After attending the recent ITF England selection camps, Warwick-TKD and the T-UK are proud to announce that Miss Alex Cameron has been selected to represent England at the upcoming AETF European Championships and the ITF World Championships.

Well done Alex, we will all be behind you and supporting you on this next chapter of your international journey.
