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More Warwick & Leamington Women Walking the streets with confidence


More Warwick & Leamington Women Walking the streets with confidence

This weekend we delivered another Women’s only self-defence 1 day course at the Gap Community Centre in Warwick.

We had 14 keen but nervous women attending at 9am ready for a tough full day eager to learn new essential life skills to assist in making them feel more comfortable and confidant in their daily lives.

The day started off with an essential and in-depth presentation on all aspects of self-defence such as situational and environmental awareness, understanding how not to be a victim, understanding the psychology of an attacker, conflict resolution tactics, identification of the different categories of rapists, their psychology and how to deal with this challenging situation.



Black Belt Grading Pre-test Success

Yesterday there was held the T-UK Central black belt pre-test with 10 students from WLTKD that had made the required progressions and standards to be considered for testing.

The test was conducted by Mr Martin Noddings VI dan, assisted by Mr Rick Dhillon V dan and lead by Mr Alan Smith IV dan.

The test lasted 3 hours in total thoroughly testing all elements of the attendees TKD abilities.


Back Training Inside


Back Training Inside

Last night saw Warwick & Leamington TKD club back inside Everyones Active Warwick site, St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre.

After 2 months of conducting training sessions out in the park twice a week we returned to the leisure centres main sports hall delivering 2 classes. This is ideal timing as the club has a promotion grading test scheduled for the beginning of June so will allow a quality practice environment for the students.

Thursday nights are still being conducted out in the park however this gives the students a fantastic opportunity to practice their skills in a realistic environment wearing clothes and trainers on as they would be if they had to deal with a physical situation for real.


New Friday Night Training Venue


New Friday Night Training Venue

During the summer months with the leisure centre closed we were fortunate to be able to continue delivering training outdoors in St Nicholas Park which was great to be in the fresh air. However now the nights are drawing in and the weather is turning we needed to get back indoors.

Everyone Active were able to give us back our old Tuesday times in the Leisure Centre however not our Thursday or Friday slots as they were using the sports hall to deliver their own classes. The challenge we have, as many other sports and activities have, is finding a training venue with enough room to allow appropriate distancing during the class.


Championships Success for Warwick TKD


Championships Success for Warwick TKD

At Warwick we had been training hard for the last 2 months getting every one conditioned and prepared for the competition, this paid off with some excellent results well done all of you representing the club and performing at such a high standard:

  • Jack Rowe – Bronze Patterns, Silver Sparring

  • John Hoult – Bronze Sparring, Silver - MS power breaking 

  • Keegan Costine – Silver Patterns

  • Ellis Roberts – Gold Patterns, Gold Sparring

  • David Angell – Bronze Patterns, Bronze Sparring

  • Bieshoy Awad – Silver Patterns, Silver Sparring

  • Thea Roberts – Gold Sparring

  • Henry Lion – Silver Patterns, Silver Sparring



Self-Defence Course 24th February - Book Now

Statistics show that violent crime, particularly knife crime, and sexual assault are on the increase.  From walking home after work, walking to the local shops, nights out with friends to the growing out door running trend, people are becoming more at risk.

Due to this it is becoming imperative for people to equip themselves with the skills to be more aware of potential situations, diffuse this if possible and if they are unlucky enough to be involved in a violent incident, to be able to effectively deal with that situation.

We will be delivering a self-defence workshop for members and non-members on the 24th February from 10am -12pm at Warwick Space Coten End, Warwick.


Self-defence Workshop - building confidence


Self-defence Workshop - building confidence

Last Sunday saw our quarterly Hosin Sool workshop held at Warwick Space.  Considering the atrocious weather and travel disruption we had a good turn out from students preparing for their upcoming coloured and black belt gradings as well as those just wanting to improve their street skills.


Taekwon-Do Lesson #25: Knife-Hand High Inward Strike


Taekwon-Do Lesson #25: Knife-Hand High Inward Strike

This video shows you how to perform a Knife-Hand High Inward Strike. Recommended for 7th kup grade students and above, the video explains, in detail, how to practice every aspect of the technique including positioning the arms before the strike, positioning the arms at the end of the strike, sine wave motion and how to develop more power.



Untrained people v's a martial artist

A great Youtube clip explaining the virtues of learning an effective martial art.  It equips you for confrontation:

  • You read situations quicker
  • You will be calmer, more assured and have better decision making skills
  • You react to situations more effectively 
  • You're more likely to defuse the situation as you don't need to prove yourself
  • If the situation escalates you're more likely to deal with that situation for a better outcome.

Training in an effective martial art gives you necessary skill sets to deal with a confrontation if it arrises.  Training at Warwick-TKD will meet these needs, why not give us a go. 
