This weekend we delivered another Women’s only self-defence 1 day course at the Gap Community Centre in Warwick.

We had 14 keen but nervous women attending at 9am ready for a tough full day eager to learn new essential life skills to assist in making them feel more comfortable and confidant in their daily lives.

The day started off with an essential and in-depth presentation on all aspects of self-defence such as situational and environmental awareness, understanding how not to be a victim, understanding the psychology of an attacker, conflict resolution tactics, identification of the different categories of rapists, their psychology and how to deal with this challenging situation.

After a short lunch break the afternoon was filled with learning the physical elements of self-defence, effective striking and kicking techniques, releases from grabs, escape from the ground and knife defence skills. All the skills and techniques learnt are easy to remember and deliver , intuitive if ever they were needed.

Everyone went home buzzing, very tiered after a long day but more confident and competent to be able to deal with a situation if it were to happen.

We will be scheduling the next course very soon. If you are interested get in touch, there are limited places so reserve your place ASAP to save disappointment.
