Yesterday there was held the T-UK Central black belt pre-test with 10 students from WLTKD that had made the required progressions and standards to be considered for testing.

The test was conducted by Mr Martin Noddings VI dan, assisted by Mr Rick Dhillon V dan and led by Mr Alan Smith IV dan.

The test lasted 3 hours in total thoroughly testing all elements of the attendees TKD abilities.

I am pleased to announce that all testers were successful and will be put forward to the full black belt grading on the 21st November under the T-UK President Master John Archer VII dan.

Well done to all WLTKD students that were in the test, there will be some very tiered and sore people today!

Well done to:

  • Kajetan Boniewski - Testing for 1st degree black belt

  • Rory Downham - Testing for 1st degree black belt

  • Dave Angell - Testing for 1st degree black belt

  • Ms Ellis Roberts - Testing for 1st degree black belt, 3rd star

  • Mrs Eva Neale - Testing for 2nd degree black belt

  • Mr John Hoult - Testing for 3rd degree black belt

  • Mrs Rachel Hoult - Testing for 3rd degree black belt

  • Mr Jack Rowe - Testing for 3rd degree black belt

  • Mr Danny Lewis - Testing for 4th degree black belt

  • Mr Anthony Nash - Testing for 4th degree black belt

Almost there. Keep up the hard work.
