WLTKD students excelled at the TUK Central region coloured belt grading last weekend with 39 students being promoted including 4 student to black tag, well done Thea Roberts, Aisha Yousof, Seb Perrier, Lexie Alferez, the next one is the big one.

We also had 3 'A' passes, well done Sienna Mannell, Gabe Bailey and Sudha Pathak, outstanding performances.

A great team effort by the instructor team to get all there students ready for the grading and performing at an exceptional standard, well done all.

The club has never been in a better place with the largest adult class in the region and a thriving kids class with many parent child members training, bonding and growing together.

Now we can open the doors to a new beginners intake to also start on their TKD journey and help them grow as they go on this amazing TKD journey of self-improvement and development.
