This is part 5 in the series explaining the scientific principles of sine wave motion. In this video GM Nardizzi show how the shape of the sine wave motion curve varies with different stances, when a technique is performed on the spot with the same stance.
This video is a great learning tool but rather graphic so be warned! Learns from this attack:
- Be more aware of your surroundings when in possible threat locations:
- Think of your positioning in the location and in relation to people in your vicinity
- React quickly and decisively against the attacker (shock and awe)
- Get control of the knife arm
- If you can't get control of the knife arm due to being held deal with the leverage arm first (don't get task focused), then deal with the knife arm
- If you can, get the hell out of there!!!!
What an outstanding day for Warwick-TKD and Kineton-TKD clubs at the Central Region grading held at Stratford Leisure Centre today.
- 15 Warwick students grading, 10 of which received 'A' passes
- 15 Kineton students grading, 7 of which received 'A' passes
Well done to all who attended this tough grading and put in the hard work to attain a pass to their next belt, it takes dedication and the pursuit of excellence; you all represented your clubs with pride and passion. Particular note should go to John and Rachel Hoult who were taking their black tag grading and were pushed to the max, well done both, the big one next!!!!!!!
This is part 4 in the series explaining the scientific principles of sine wave motion where In this video GM Nardizzi explain the body doesn't always drop on the 1st stage of sine wave motion.
This is part 3 in the series explaining the scientific principles of sine wave motion where In this video GM Nardizzi explains the 3 stages of sine wave motion.
Press ups are a staple body weight training exercise and are excellent for martial arts conditioning, however are you performing them correctly for the best gains?!
Take a look at the attached video, the guys a bit "chatty" but gives an excellent run down of common mistakes.
As with anything in life, you can cheat and do substandard or do correctly and gain all the benefits.
The Mark Scriven Memorial Champs will be held at Stratford upon Avon Leisure Centre on the 16th July.
It is now 2 years since Mark passed away on April 10th 2015. The event is normally run every April to commemorate his passing however, due to Easter Holidays & busy calendars this was not possible this year. The championships will consist of:
This video is the 2nd in the series explaining the scientific principles of sine wave motion. GM Nardizzi explains how Taekwon-Do sine wave motion relates to the natural springing action of the joints.
Only a small team of 4 from Warwick went to the Scottish Championships this weekend but what a team as it was an awesome performance by all of them!
- Alex Cameron - Silver patterns, gold Sparring
- Zoe Clark - Silver patterns, silver sparring
- Charlotte Clark - Silver patterns
- Sebastien Perrier - Silver patterns, gold sparring
Well done to all of you for keeping the up the high standards of Warwick-TKD and a big thank you to Alex Cameron, Team Manager, for an excellent job looking after everyone and coaching the team to success.
The Valsalva maneuver is performed by forceful attempted exhalation against a closed airway, usually done by closing one's mouth, pinching one's nose shut while pressing out as if blowing up a balloon. This is also present under exertion during severe coughing, straining on the toilet, blowing musical instruments (trumpet), bodybuilding, giving birth and exercise! The exercise element is the part I want to concentrate on, but first we need to understand the mechanics of what is going on!