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Student's of the year awards 2023


Student's of the year awards 2023

2023 saw a very successful year for our clubs, new promotions to black belt, exceptional A pass results from each of the coloured belt area gradings, multiple world champions from the T-UK British Championships.

This made choosing the adult and junior students of the year very difficult.

In the end the Instructor team landed on the most deserving members. The criteria for the award is predicated on attendance, effort, attitude, overcoming challenges, taking on instruction and applying it, being a role model.


Congratulations to the promoted students of Warwick & Leamington TKD


Congratulations to the promoted students of Warwick & Leamington TKD

We would like to congratulate the 37 students of Warwick & Leamington TKD who recently participated in the T-UK regional grading under the guidance of Master Archer from Taekwon do-UK. Your dedication, perseverance, and commitment to the art of Taekwondo and to the club are excellent, and we are immensely proud of your achievement.

First and foremost, we would like to commend the three students who achieved an outstanding A pass in their grading, Elsa Clegg, Charlotte Jackson and Alison Miller. This remarkable accomplishment is a testament to their unwavering focus, discipline, and hard work to achieve excellence at their grade.


Grading Success at the TUK Regional Grading


Grading Success at the TUK Regional Grading

WLTKD students excelled at the TUK Central region coloured belt grading last weekend with 39 students being promoted including 4 student to black tag, well done Thea Roberts, Aisha Yousof, Seb Perrier, Lexie Alferez, the next one is the big one.

We also had 3 'A' passes, well done Sienna Mannell, Gabe Bailey and Sudha Pathak, outstanding performances.

A great team effort by the instructor team to get all there students ready for the grading and performing at an exceptional standard, well done all.

Now we can open the doors to a new beginners quarterly intake to also start on their TKD journey and help to change their lives for the better.


Back Training Inside


Back Training Inside

Last night saw Warwick & Leamington TKD club back inside Everyones Active Warwick site, St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre.

After 2 months of conducting training sessions out in the park twice a week we returned to the leisure centres main sports hall delivering 2 classes. This is ideal timing as the club has a promotion grading test scheduled for the beginning of June so will allow a quality practice environment for the students.

Thursday nights are still being conducted out in the park however this gives the students a fantastic opportunity to practice their skills in a realistic environment wearing clothes and trainers on as they would be if they had to deal with a physical situation for real.



New Year Resolutions

I have been reading a number of articles today looking for one to post on new year resolutions, however most of them have been a bit poor or annoying. A number of them suggesting that this is a bad thing, that it is negative, setting yourself up to fail!!! I disagree with this and here’s why.

Some sources are saying why make a new year’s resolution, it’s just the start of another year, just another day, you can make these changes any day of the year, why put this pressure on yourself, by doing this and failing it will have a negative effect on your mental state!!! It’s right you can do this any time, any day of the year but the new year is an excellent time after the Christmas excesses, it’s a natural start point and if you do it right and for the right reasons you won’t fail!!!

Why is a resolution to be better or do better bad?! It’s obviously not, trying to better ourselves and improve our life choices has got to be a good thing, it’s just how you go about it and why you want to do it.


Warwick-TKD Grading Promotions & Student of the Year Awards

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Warwick-TKD Grading Promotions & Student of the Year Awards

17 coloured belt students from Warwick-TKD attended the T-UK Central region block grading in Stratford upon Avon at the weekend. After a tough promotion test testing their abilities to deliver techniques, patterns, set sparring, free sparring, self defence techniques and destruction for the higher grades I am pleased to announce that all 17 passed. Well done all of you, it shows that putting in hard work and preparing properly reaps rewards.

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New additions to the Instructor team

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New additions to the Instructor team

We take pride in the mentoring of our students at Warwick-TKD; even before students take their black belts we begin to mentor them in correct teaching methods and give them sections of the class to lead under the watchful eye of the experienced Instructors.  As their skills and confidence grow we put more and more responsibility on to them.

This month saw Jack and Molly Rowe successfully take their 2nd Degree black belts. They started TKD at ages 5 and 4 years old respectively, they are now 18 and 17 years old and have been on the mentoring program for a couple of years.

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Warwick-TKD Black Belt Success


Warwick-TKD Black Belt Success

A huge congratulations to two of our Warwick-TKD members who took their 1st degree black belt gradings last weekend.

I am very pleased and proud to announce that after a lot of hard work and exceptional dedication to the art both Mr Harry Hoult and Mr Richard Scannell were promoted to 1st degree black belt.

Thank you from all the instructors and students for representing the club at a high standard and achieving this accolade that so many other students that start the art fail to achieve.


TKD Technical #13: Basic combinations


TKD Technical #13: Basic combinations

This video shows you how to perform basic combinations in Walking Stance. Recommended for beginner students (9th & 8th kup), the video explains how to position your body during the different stages of the techniques as well as how to utilize sine wave motion and how to develop more power.


Congratulation, Promoted to Master VII Degree


Congratulation, Promoted to Master VII Degree

This weekend saw the delivery of the 120th IIC in Manchester.  At this event our very own Mr John Archer, President of T-UK, and Mr Ian Ridley, T-UK General Secretary, took their 7th degree black belt tests under the watchful eyes of Grand Master Morano, Grand Master Lan, Grand Master Ellis and a number of other UK Masters .  I am pleased to announce and proud to say that they both passed, congratulations to our new Sahyun Archer and Sahyun Ridley from the Central Region instructors and students.
