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English Championships success


English Championships success

We sent a small team up to Manchester at the weekend to attend the English championships. The event was well attended from around the country with 340 competitors.

With very tough competition from a number of TKD groups I am proud to announce some awesome results by Warwick & Leamington TKD members:


End of Year Promotion Test


End of Year Promotion Test

The year at WLTKD was rounded off with a coloured belt grading with 33 students being selected as reaching the standards necessary to try for promotion. Master Archer the President of the T-UK led the grading panel.

A number of elements are taken into account for promotion, attendance levels, technical ability and attitude. Both physical and mental attitudes we feel are important to be taken in to consideration and recognised.


University Championships - British Champion


University Championships - British Champion

One of our WLTKD Instructor team, Mr Jack Rowe (right of picture), competed at the PUMA British University Championships at the weekend.

I'm very pleased to announce that he won gold in the black belt sparring event. This rounds off an excellent month of achievements as he also successfully graded to 3rd degree black belt this month, well done Jack demonstrating the high standards of the club and being an excellent role model.


Back Training Inside


Back Training Inside

Last night saw Warwick & Leamington TKD club back inside Everyones Active Warwick site, St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre.

After 2 months of conducting training sessions out in the park twice a week we returned to the leisure centres main sports hall delivering 2 classes. This is ideal timing as the club has a promotion grading test scheduled for the beginning of June so will allow a quality practice environment for the students.

Thursday nights are still being conducted out in the park however this gives the students a fantastic opportunity to practice their skills in a realistic environment wearing clothes and trainers on as they would be if they had to deal with a physical situation for real.



New Year Resolutions

I have been reading a number of articles today looking for one to post on new year resolutions, however most of them have been a bit poor or annoying. A number of them suggesting that this is a bad thing, that it is negative, setting yourself up to fail!!! I disagree with this and here’s why.

Some sources are saying why make a new year’s resolution, it’s just the start of another year, just another day, you can make these changes any day of the year, why put this pressure on yourself, by doing this and failing it will have a negative effect on your mental state!!! It’s right you can do this any time, any day of the year but the new year is an excellent time after the Christmas excesses, it’s a natural start point and if you do it right and for the right reasons you won’t fail!!!

Why is a resolution to be better or do better bad?! It’s obviously not, trying to better ourselves and improve our life choices has got to be a good thing, it’s just how you go about it and why you want to do it.


141st International Instructors Course


141st International Instructors Course

This weekend the 141st IIC was held in Cardiff under the instruction of the ITF Technical Committee, Grand Master Morano (Argentina), Grand Master Lan (USA) and Master McPhail (New Zealand).

Along with the TUK Masters and other instructors from the association, Warwick instructors Mr Martin Noddings, Mr Anthony Nash, Mr John Hoult and Mrs Rachel Hoult attended the 3 day course investing time to keep themselves and the club at the cutting edge of technical advancements and improvements in ITF TKD.


Warwick-TKD Instructor Team Growth


Warwick-TKD Instructor Team Growth

With any business growth it is essential to keep assessing the leadership team and the delivery of the service to keep it at its peak and deliver the quality classes for growth and development of the students.  It's also important to recognise the development, growth and abilities of members as they progress through the ranks and reach Black Belt status.  To this end I am pleased and excited to announce that we are expanding our instructor team at Warwick-TKD and have appointed Mr John Hoult and Mrs Rachel Hoult as Assistant Instructors.



Taekwon Do tenets - do you now what they mean?!

As a collective before a class, gradings, competitions we all chant the oath and tenets of TKD.  But the question is do we know what they mean, do we live by them and adhere to them and not only when you see fit to do so but when its right to do so?!  The oath and tenets should be what sets us above people that don't train in martial arts, it is about being a better person.

To assist you here are some quotes to help you in this endeavour to understand them and apply them:
