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Everyone Active

WLTKD Instructor Team Strengthens Further

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WLTKD Instructor Team Strengthens Further

I am please to be able to formally announce the appointment of Eva Neale, 2nd degree black belt, as the newest member of the Assistant Instructor team at WLTKD.

Eva will join the existing excellent team line up as part of the junior member development team working along side established and very experienced instructors Molly and Jack Rowe to strengthen this part of the club.

Eva works as a Senior Town Planner for the County Council and is also a mother of 2 young boys. This appointment will bring further strength and depth to this part of the club and the instructor team as a whole.

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Grading Success at the TUK Regional Grading


Grading Success at the TUK Regional Grading

WLTKD students excelled at the TUK Central region coloured belt grading last weekend with 39 students being promoted including 4 student to black tag, well done Thea Roberts, Aisha Yousof, Seb Perrier, Lexie Alferez, the next one is the big one.

We also had 3 'A' passes, well done Sienna Mannell, Gabe Bailey and Sudha Pathak, outstanding performances.

A great team effort by the instructor team to get all there students ready for the grading and performing at an exceptional standard, well done all.

Now we can open the doors to a new beginners quarterly intake to also start on their TKD journey and help to change their lives for the better.


University Championships - British Champion


University Championships - British Champion

One of our WLTKD Instructor team, Mr Jack Rowe (right of picture), competed at the PUMA British University Championships at the weekend.

I'm very pleased to announce that he won gold in the black belt sparring event. This rounds off an excellent month of achievements as he also successfully graded to 3rd degree black belt this month, well done Jack demonstrating the high standards of the club and being an excellent role model.


C-19 Coloured Belt Grading Success


C-19 Coloured Belt Grading Success

Today we had our first grading in nearly 18 months with 3 small group grading sessions wearing face masks to comply with C-19 guidance. We had 16 of our Warwick & Leamington TKD students grade under the T-UK Association President Master John Archer and Myself in intense 60 minute sessions that were non-stop and each student under the spotlight with nowhere to hide.

Even though the students have not been able to grade for 18 months this has not stopped their learning and development through lockdown with a student training video library to assist them, a period of time face to face between lockdowns and then Zoom classes during lockdown 2. Once we were able to train outside their face to face training and development took off in earnest as well as 121 personal training to get them to the required standard for this grading.


Back Training Inside


Back Training Inside

Last night saw Warwick & Leamington TKD club back inside Everyones Active Warwick site, St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre.

After 2 months of conducting training sessions out in the park twice a week we returned to the leisure centres main sports hall delivering 2 classes. This is ideal timing as the club has a promotion grading test scheduled for the beginning of June so will allow a quality practice environment for the students.

Thursday nights are still being conducted out in the park however this gives the students a fantastic opportunity to practice their skills in a realistic environment wearing clothes and trainers on as they would be if they had to deal with a physical situation for real.


Expansion of Warwick TKD into Leamington Spa


Expansion of Warwick TKD into Leamington Spa

I am pleased to announce that we have a new club to add to our exsisting portfolio which will be held at Newbold Comyn Leisure Centre in Leamington Spa. This cements further our excellent relationship and partnership with Everyone Active.

Classes will be held every Thursday from the 9th January from 7-8pm in the main sports hall. As with the Warwick classes they will be a family class allowing parents and their children to train at the same time for convenience.

The classes will be mainly run by Mr Martin Noddings and Miss Molly Rowe with the assistance, when necessary, from the other Assistant Instructors from Warwick which will create an excellent consistency of quality across both clubs.

The added benefit to opening up the Leamington club is that it will give members of both clubs the ability to train 3 nights a week if they wanted with no price increase from the existing £40 per month unlimited club night training package which equates to £3.33 per class.

If you are new to martial arts and would like to give it a go you can get a free trial session, just email for phone to reserve one of the limited place, we are also offering free training for all of January if you join before the 15th of the month.


End of an Era


End of an Era

Tonight saw our final Friday night club training session held at Warwick Space which has housed our Friday night classes for the last 5 years, a great community centre hall with an accommodating and a supportive management committee. Quite a sad night as I closed up tonight at the end of the class as we have been using it for so long and built up a great class of students in it.

So thank you Warwick Space, but great excitement as we move the class to the same venue as our Tuesday night classes at St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre run by Everyone Active cementing our relationship further with them at the Warwick prime location with plenty of free parking and much more space to train in.


Warwick TKD Furthers its Partnership with Everyone Active


Warwick TKD Furthers its Partnership with Everyone Active

Due to the fabulous growth of the Warwick TKD Friday night classes it has been necessary to look for a new bigger venue. After meetings with St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre management, where we hold our Tuesday night classes, we have come to an agreement for us to move our Friday night class here as well in to the main sports hall. The class will run from 7-8pm with the first class at this venue being on the 22nd November.

This further cements the excellent relationship and partnership that we have with Everyone Active leisure centre management company with both the T-UK clubs of Warwick and Stratford running all their primary club class nights in their facilities putting us in the heart of our communities premium health and fitness venues.
