We are pleased to announce that we will be starting a new class at Campion School, Sydenham in the new year.

The new class will be a joint venture between Warwick TKD and North Leamington TKD, both clubs are affiliated to the T-UK Association and will be on Friday nights from 6.30 - 7.30pm.

The class will be delivered by Mr Martin Noddings 6th degree black belt and Mr Alex Wright 4th degree black belt and their highly experienced team of instructors from both clubs who have a wealth of experience.

It will be teaching effective martial arts and self-defence from the age of 10 years old; both adults and children classes run concurently allowing families to learn, bond and develop together. Members will learn an important life skill of being able to defend themselves, build self-confidence, get fitter and have fun whilst doing it in a supportive and nurturing enviromernt.

We will have a new beginner’s class starting every 3 months to keep standards high and give the best possible service to new members.

Registrations for the new class are being taken now.
