Warwick-TKD Student of the Year Award 2017 — TKD Hub | Taekwon do martial arts Warwick Leamington Warwickshire

Miss Zoe Clark was awarded the student of the year award at Warwick-TKD on Friday evening at the Central Region Christmas party.  

The decision for the winner this year was a very difficult one with two particular candidates in a very deserving position to be awarded it for their phenomenal service to the club and association, however Zoe was chosen by all the instructional team after a long long debate narrowly winning out.  

Zoe has demonstrated throughout the year dedication and perseverance, overcoming hurdles and difficulties with both her TKD and personal circumstances to enable her advancement and competition achievements.  Zoe enters events and training whenever she can and if she can't always supports and assists those that are attending.

Well done Zoe, very well deserved!

